On July 5th James turned four months old!
Not too much is new to report for our little man this month...
He's a super smiley guy and loves to put anything in his mouth, especially his hands. And conveniently for him, they are always right there!
Delilah continues to be the one to make him smile and laugh the most, but he is still very quick to give out smiles to the rest of his family too.
James has started to play with and interact with toys more now. Delilah and William love bringing him all sorts of things to see if he can figure out how to pick them up and bring to his mouth.
Last month I was hopeful about his fear of baths, but I am sad to report that they are still very hit-and-miss.
He takes a solid morning nap, afternoon nap, and sometimes a late afternoon nap as well. Then he's in bed around 7/7:30 and sleeps until 4am when he needs a brief snack before going back to sleep until 7/8am.
James loves hanging out in his exersaucer so he can get a good view of what his siblings are up to.
He can roll over from his front to back and can wriggle himself forward, or round in circles.
Oh James, we LOVE YOU!
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