Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Carriers and Cows

Sweet Delilah and her replanted buttercup garden. I love how she even adds sticks to stake her 'plants'

Not only is Delilah an excellent gardener, but she also can change James' diapers now too! She is such a willing helper and I so appreciate her! 

These two were enjoying some down time in the rocking chair on Wednesday evening and I thought they were looking pretty adorable together! 

A very eager first-year strawberry plant. 
We have been loving the strawberries we get to collect from our plants! They make such a special little snack and the kids think it is so fascinating that they come from our own garden. 


The kids were playing together and I overheard Delilah say, "...And then he DIED!!"
I intervened with, "Let's talk about nice things in play, alright?"
"And then he died and went to heaven! That's nice, right mom?"

James' first time in a back carry! So convenient for the both of us! Except he gnawed on the buckle for the majority of his ride and gave himself a little blister in the corner of his mouth. So we're taking a break now from the back carry to let his mouth heal.  

Floral on floral in floral. 
I love it! 

On Saturday morning Will's dad came by with his boat and he and Will were looking at it. William walked over and plopped himself on the ground next to them. Wanting to be involved with what the rest of the guys were up to it looked like. 

Always have to stop to say hi to the cows when we get to Oma and Opa's house

Delilah commented that the cows are growing so much. It's neat to see that she is noticing those kind of things. 

Another day, another carrier. 
As someone who doesn't like to keep a lot of things I've tried a few times to downsize my baby carrier collection, and I've got to three, but just can't bring myself to go down from there...😄
