Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Amidst Our Move



Nap time for two ♥

I poured a bit of water in the bottom of the exersaucer to help James cool down. He seemed indifferent about it, but his happy little feet sure were splashing away! 

Spotted these three all sleeping on William's bed on Saturday night! 

Saying Hi to the cows at Oma and Opa's house

This little calf was curious about William, but kept getting spooked by his excitement. 

Delilah has finally gained confidence in driving around this jeep. On Sunday they were ripping around the yard together! 

It was 11pm on Sunday night when I finally made it out to the garden and found that my dahlia's are blooming!!!! 

So exciting! 

Delilah wanted a picture with James

And William wanted one too, but he didn't want to smile. 

And then Dee wanted to take a picture of me with James. Oh how I love her eager photography skills. 
