Our neighbour found this used playset for sale so we split it three-ways and the men brought it home. They were smart and tipped the bulk of it directly into the trailer rather than disassembling and reassembling the whole thing.
This is such a yummy summer treat to enjoy.
I was so disappointed by this. It was the only cut of bear that we did not turn into sausage and I wanted so badly to have bear roast and get to taste it for what it is. I found a recipe online and carefully followed it to the T. So when I pulled it out of the oven and found it looking like this I was crushed. But then we cut it up and it ended up actually tasting really good.
Delilah and William were playing 'camping'.
Checking out the playset.
I love spotting them like this. Delilah can be such a mother for William, and sometimes, just sometimes, when we're near the road he senses that it would be safest to hold his sister's hand.
Blackberry picking with these two is always entertaining. Delilah is getting better, but William's bucket quickly fluctuates. Five berries there one minute and the next only one. He'll add two more in and then suddenly the bucket is empty!
Plums, blackberries, and strawberries. All fruit from our property! Such a blessing!
I made some plums and blackberries into free babyfood for James too.
That afternoon we went to my Oma's goat farm to say hi to Oma, but then she wasn't even working...
The kids still had a fun time visiting the goats and we picked up some gelato to bring home for dessert.
Always having to stop on our walks when passing this property with the horses and pony.
Bean flowers in the garden.
While I was nursing James on Sunday evening Shiloh lay next to us and draped a paw over James' leg.
Delilah has worked up the courage to hold pieces of grass out for the animals to eat now.
We had Madilyn come over on Friday afternoon and she kept the kids so busy. It was wonderful!
And I spotted this sunset that evening
On Saturday while we were cleaning the church Delilah and William went outside to play with Nadia, but then they got a bit too cold. So they donned Nadia and my sweaters to keep themselves warm. They thought they were so silly in the oversized clothes. And I'd have to agree!
We went to a bbq with out care group from church on Saturday evening. Delilah loved cooling off with her feet in their pool.
Will got a new scope for hunting and he took this picture of the moon with it!
After playing hard on Sunday between services Delilah had a loooong nap for the rest of the afternoon.
My family came over to help pick plums on Monday afternoon.
Those kids pick so quickly! In just a short time they had already filled the basket they came with, another bowl I had, and an extra box that they found lying around.
Shiloh followed me around as I was blackberry picking on Tuesday morning and at one point she posed so perfectly on this broken log. Boy oh boy, being sick with littles around sure isn't easy! Not restful either by any means. Made me extra appreciative of when Will was around.
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