Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: August 17-23

Update on the laptop situation: 
It is most likely a goner. We removed the hard drive and although it was wet, it doesn't appear to have been damaged. At some point we'll get a reader to bring everything onto the next computer. For now I am casually using Will's company laptop but it's not the same. Will has wanted a new company laptop anyway, so maybe we adopt this one as our home computer, but if I were choosing a laptop to buy I don't think I would pick this one. We'll see where we end up... 
 I never thought of  myself as someone who spent all their time on the computer, but now that I don't have one I'm really understanding the pros and cons to my previous computer usage. 
Good things to think about. 
For now here's a Weekly Wednesday Wupdate in an effort for me not to get too behind. 

The kids set James up on the floor like this with a pillow and quilt. He was so happy to go along with their fun. 

Shiloh bumped my decor sailboat out of her way so she could get some good quality sunbathing in.

We ran our errands in Abbotsford on Friday and of course took some time to check out a playground ar the mall there.

Dee loved this climbing web and she was so impressed with her abilities to crawl along it. 

This is William as he is climbing back down after deciding on his own that the slide was a little too advanced for him. I was so surprised (and relieved!) to witness him understanding his limits.  

Here Delilah was certain she had reached the top. She excitedly called me over to show me her progress and to have me take a photo so she could show her dad later. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she still had some ways to go...

My little dinner prep helper

This guy scared me so badly as he hopped around the greenhouse while I was watering on Friday night,

On Saturday evening we went to a bbq to celebrate Grandma Buma's birthday. 
Who do you think is having more fun in this photo? 😂

Peter showing Delilah the fun in spinning around on a swing

James' first time in a swing. I don't have a photo that is in focus, but you can tell he's got a grin on his face! 

We also sent him down the slide, but he was much more apprehensive about that one

"Yeah, maybe not, Dad."

We had our friends Ben and Esther over for dinner on Sunday. James was fussing before dinner so Ben swooped in to feed him his plums.

After a late night with Mr Ben and Auntie Esther, these two passed right out on the drive to drop Will off at work in the morning. 

We went to Manoah to see Grandma Buma yet again for her birthday. Delilah and William found this set of four stacking stools which kept them well entertained for the majority of our visit. 

In the afternoon we picked Will up from work and went straight away to an appointment he had. While he was busy the kids and I took a walk...

...To a nearby playground! 

Delilah loves these tables with maps on them. She always has a story to tell to go with them and I wish I could remember what she was saying but I've sadly got no idea anymore. 

Can you tell he had blackberries for dinner? 

Here's a peek at our tomatoes, happily growing away in the greenhouse. There's peppers in there too somewhere, but they're a bit shorter than the tomatoes so are hard to see from this angle. 

Delilah was so excited to help me pick beans. 

Tomatoes, strawberries, and some beans.

Eventually William came and wanted to help harvest beans as well. I overheard Delilah explain to him, "It looks like there are no beans here, but you lift up the leaves, and then surprise! There they are!"

I gave the children nuttella on bread, blackberries and strawberries, and sliced almonds for their lunch on Tuesday. Delilah got creative and put her almonds on her bread. 

While washing the beans that the kids picked earlier that morning I found this one that was almost a perfect circle! 
Do you like my bean bangle? 
