James: Six Months Old

 Wow!  I think all the sunshine in August caused our little boy to grow just as rapidly as our garden! 
All of a sudden now we've got a baby who is six months old. Halfway to being a year old. 😥 Ah, I know they don't stay little for long, but it seems as though time is going by quicker and quicker with each month. 
At six months old James is measuring 27 inches tall. 
His belly can no longer be contained by most Tshirts and we've moved on to 12-18m clothes. 

This past month James has been chugging along just great with solid foods. His body is trying to work out oatmeal so we try that every third day or so to keep him as regular as possible, if you know what I mean. 
He is a very eager eater and loves joining us at the table for meal times and even has the patience to excitedly let his siblings feed him. 
James has started to try out finger foods and his success rate of actually getting things into his mouth is increasing and so adorable. Plain yogurt is still his favourite. 

He loves his jolly jumper, the excersaucer, and will even be content to sit and watch his siblings play outside from the safety of his highchair. 

James currently takes two naps a day. Often he wakes around 7/8am, then naps from 10-12, and again from 2-4, and is ready for bed at 7pm. Since camping in July his sleep has been thrown off and he typically wakes up once in the evening and another time around 4am. Gratefully he's happy to go right back to sleep after a little top up of milk. 

James can scoot himself around on his belly. Mostly backwards and in circles, but sometimes forwards. 
He can get himself into a hands and knees position and move one hand forward. I suspect he'll be crawling for his next update. 


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