Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Lots of Daycare and An Unexpected Date

Will made us Dutch pancakes for dinner on Wednesday night and he dyed each of us one pancake in our favourite colours. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever! 

Delilah is such a great big sister and friend to our daycare kiddos. This little boy was very sad on Thursday morning when his momma dropped him off but Delilah pulled his favourite book of the shelf and starting distracting him with it and he was calm before his mom even got out our driveway. 

Two tired boys

We pulled the baby walker out of storage for James to give it a go. He was super excited to try it out but can't figure the concept out just yet. 

With James teething he has been suuuuper clingy towards me so once Will gets home from work he's been playing with James to give me a bit of space to breathe and get dinner ready without a baby attached. Thursday afternoon Will and James were playing in the living room while I was making dinner and James suddenly bee-lined it for the kitchen. I hopped up on the counter so he wouldn't see me, and after peeking around the corner he sat here all confused because he couldn't find me and then crawled back over to Will. 

Our first day of rain in a long time! I had gotten the kids all ready to go outside to bring the garbage to the road and we opened the door to see it was pouring! So then I had to rein them back inside to put jackets on before we could head out again. 

All three holding hands is so cute! 

James couldn't wait long enough for me to peel his banana and he went right at it on his own. Took one bite of the banana and then decided to try the peels.

Here's a set of stairs that Will built at work. They'll attach to the back of a work van and be able to flip up and down on the hinge that he made. 

Delilah's imagination, creativity, and sense of humour always keeps us entertained! 

Will and I had a babysitter lined up for Friday so we could go clean the church, but then we remembered there was an event being held that evening so we wouldn't be able to clean. We kept the babysitter and instead went on a date! 

Check out this milkshake! Pretty crazy! 
We couldn't quite figure out how to eat it and left the plate a mess, but it was delicious. 


Delilah and William are often eager to help me with household chores

"Mom, look! The puddles are back!"
