It was around 1 in the early afternoon yesterday that I spotted some of the first snowflakes falling. I didn't want to tell the kids too early though in case it didn't stick.
By 2 it was coming down heavier and starting to whiten the ground.
I told the kids to check outside and they were ecstatic! Oh they wanted so badly to go outside right now! But I explained there wasn't enough snow to play in and they should wait until 3.
Our timer went off at 3 and they excitedly got all their snow gear on. With some assistance of course. And man, I was sweating getting them all dressed!
While the boys used dumptrucks and diggers to play around in the snow, Delilah was scooping up as much as she could to eat.
I even brought James out for a little bit to feel the falling snow.
And Delilah fed him snow. Ahaha I shoulda seen that coming.
After an hour they were cold and ready to come in for some hot chocolate.
Will came through the door just as I was taking this picture.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked me
"Oh I was just wanting to take a picture of the post snow playing carnage."
It continued to snow well into the evening. Will and I had to go out for some errands and Ally's birthday party. Thankfully we had no troubles in the snow. Our patio chairs (which the kids had dusted off when they were outside) had 5 inches of snow on them at 10pm.
When we got home last night Will taught Delilah how to use the snowball maker and they had some fun with that from the warmth of our doorway.
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