Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: A Party With Boys And Balloons

We went to watch another one of Peter's volleyball games. 
His team placed fifth in this Fraser Valley tournament. 

Delilah's first sewing project. 
I was helping Madilyn with some mending and Delilah wanted to join in. 

It was nearing zero on Thursday morning but the kids insisted on getting outside. Poor James could barely move around in all the layers he was in. 

These dried berries gave me a wintery feeling

Will has been doing lots of fort building with the kids these days. They absolutely love it and it's such a special activity for them to do together. 
I thought James' face here is adorable

Friday was Remembrance Day so we went to the cenotaph.

Brunch at my parents' afterwards. 

On Friday afternoon I cut up to freeze the last harvest of peppers from our garden. 
I am thrilled with how our first year of growing peppers went and am looking forward to planting more next year! 
Our garden is officially closed for the year now. What a ride it has been! 

Delilah got so many books for her birthday (her request) and they've been keeping her and William so entertained. It is such a sweet thing to see the two of them huddled together sharing a book. 

Another special moment where they're getting along as great pals - don't let me fool you! They often are squabbling over one thing or another. But so quickly they come back together to play. 

After coming in from playing outside until sunset the kids requested hot chocolate to help them warm up. We had no hot chocolate mix but I told them not to worry, I'd just make some from scratch. Then we had no cocoa powder. 

We were home on Sunday for lunch which is rare for us. The kids enjoyed some quiet time and did their water colouring books on the kitchen floor which was super exciting as I don't normally let them play in the kitchen. 

On Monday we were supposed to have friends over for daycare but they were all sick. When I told Delilah on Monday morning that the last person had called in sick she exclaimed, ''NO Friends are coming?! This is not a good planned day, Mom!''

Between stops on Tuesday we parked on the side of the road so I could nurse James. It was a chilly morning but the sky was blue and the trees were colourful. 
