Our Jamesy-boy is eleven months old now!
(please excuse me while I bawl my eyes out.... ðŸ˜ðŸ˜)
-In this past month James has started clapping, especially when there is singing.
-I have no idea if there's a term for his, but he loves to make noise by flapping his lips with his fingers while humming.
-We've moved on from oatmeal for breakfast and he prefers to have Cheerios and/or applesauce.
-James is tall enough to reach his little hands onto the edge of the kitchen counters and pull off whatever is within reach.
-Now that he's a bit heartier Delilah can often be found carrying him around the house. I'm not a huge fan, but it certainly can be helpful at times.
At 11 months old James weighs 27lbs and he is 30 1/8 inches tall. That is off the charts for weight, and 79th percentile for height.
He wears 18m to 2T size clothes, most of which are hand-me-downs from William and Jonah and it's so adorable seeing him around wearing them.
I don't think I've mentioned it before, but for memory's sake I will now;
James has three light brown birthmarks. One in his hair and one on his back. The largest is only 2cm or so and I often forget about it and think he's got poop on his back! 😆
While birthmarks aren't typically hereditary, Will and I both have one so we think it's kinda neat as James is our first kiddo with any.
This is how I hope we'll always remember James as a baby.
His laugh. How he tilts his head up, squints his eyes, scrunches his nose, and lets out a giggle that shows off his under-eye dimples.
He thinks he's hilarious and we think he's not entirely wrong.
This past month we even caught James laughing along with us at the dinner table. He had no idea what we were talking about or what the punch line was, but when he saw the rest of his family laughing he joined right in with us. And that made us laugh more, which made him laugh more, and it was such a fun moment for everyone.
James is confidently walking and practically running all over the place now. He's super quick to get up and move and walking is certainly his preferred mode of transportation.
Rarely can he be found sat in the same place for very long.
We're still working on kicking the second nap. He is adamant he only needs one, even though often I try to convince him otherwise. Then come 5pm he decides to agree with me and wants to sleep but his rude parents distract him through those last two hours until his bedtime at 7pm.
We can tell he's tired because he'll be found with his head down on the ground like he is in this picture. He's almost ready to go for his nap here which we've been doing successfully at 11am or 12pm. It's still a toss up how each day will go, but we don't hold our breaths around his nap schedule, or lack-thereof, and I find that's a helpful attitude.
We are counting down the days until James' turns ONE!
It is SO EXCITING for his older siblings and they have high hopes for celebrating Jamesy's big day.
We'll see how things turn out....
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