Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Bucket Hats All Around!

Such a cutie pie! 

All ready to head out for a walk with their matching (not on purpose) bucket hats. 

Stopping to watch some of the work going on at the construction site of a new house that is going up on our road

In the afternoon I cleaned behind our fridge. I didn't do this when we first moved in and I knew that it was bad under there, but just didn't have the time or motivation for it until now. And so it got cleaned for the first time since 2019 I learned by the dates on those papers that were back there. 

This is what it looked like after I picked up the loose pieces 

And the after! So satisfying! 

Snack time

Will was lying on the floor after work and James came over, sat on him, and started driving trucks on his back. It's the first time he's done something like that and was so adorable. 
Also, I'm just noticing Delilah now 😆 and I have no idea what she's up to. Hahaha

On Friday morning we went to Delilah's "cousin's" birthday party. 
Neither of these girls have any real cousins and so they've adopted each other as cousins. It's pretty adorable. 

William was sitting a bit further back from the gift opening with some horses he collected placed next to him. 

Delilah loves getting to run into NAPA with Will. 

Pushing James around in the dump truck easily keeps both parties entertained for a long time, and tires out the seemingly untireable toddler. 

I had church from home on Sunday morning with a pukey James. He lay on the carpet and watched the TV which I thought was pretty cute. 

This photo was timed perfectly!

Sunday over lunch we had a hailstorm at our house, and later that afternoon driving through a nearby neighbourhood we spotted snow! 

Captivating story telling

On Tuesday our landlord was doing some yard work and emptied out a trailerful of branches onto the burn pile while the kiddos were watching nearby. The next time I went to check on the kids, he was loading them all up into the trailer for a little ride through the parking lot. They were giggling their heads off and had such a blast being towed along. 
