Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: James And Some Animals

Cool moves, James 😎
But let's not try it again, okay?



"James, what are you up to?"

"Oh hey Mom, do you need me to pass you anything?"

Another day another book

All the kids lined up to get some tickles

I'm pretty sure this was James' first time seeing chickens. He thought they were hilarious. 

Down the garden path

We set up our pool and sprinkler on Saturday afternoon 

This started with James bringing two pieces of wood into the pool, and turned into a game of 'The Water is Lava!' 

This was our third night in a row eating dinner out on the patio. So lovely to be outside and the birds take care of cleaning the floor for me. 

Delilah pulled our garbage bin all the way home. She will often bring it the final stretch once we're up in our parking lot, but this day she asked if she could try to take it the whole way. I was impressed and she was too. 

Fresh weeds for the cows

I was so tired on Monday and was forgetting so many things and spacing out a lot. I'm grateful Will was able to laugh this off with me even though I think we both were quite done with my exhaustion at this point. 

Checking on the baby cows at Oma and Opa's house

Delilah planted this flower at preschool a few weeks ago. She loves it dearly, watering it everyday, and checking several times a day to see how it is growing. It sprouted a few new leaves over night and she was speechless when she checked on it on Tuesday morning. 

Difficult to see in this photo, but there were three deer bedded down in the far corner of this field. 

We spend more time walking to and from the playground, than we actually did at the playground, but that's just how it goes with five kiddos in tow. 

These cows were very eager to come say hello, but very hesitant of the kids

Only two of the eight cows were brave enough to come and eat some grass from Delilah. 

Back at home Delilah wanted me to take a picture of her baby snail which is her current pet. He's a teeny little thing but she absolutely adores him. 


  1. AnonymousMay 26, 2023

    Just don't let you her keep her snail in with her flower - ha ha!


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