Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Season 5, Episode 18

On Wednesday morning I picked up our daycare kiddo and a friend's child to bring to Story Hour with us at the church. The kids and I joked that we had a whole school bus happening. Will tried to accuse me of loving the van full of kids and I admitted I was head-over-heels about the whole thing. I pray for the day our van is full of our own children, but for now I'll happily care for all the special extras in our lives. 

On Wednesday evening Will and I went to see the play Annie, put on by our high school. It was a very enjoyable evening and has been the talk of the Can-Ref town this past week. 

William was very pleased with this tower he built and wanted me to get a picture to send to his uncles. 

We're loving spending so much time in the sunshine out on the patio. Having a little one as we enter another summer comes with all its challenges. James is often found scooping dirt out of pots and most times eating it too... 

Showing James all the other fun stuff there is to do outsides that don't involve uprooting the strawberry plants. 

I love this little glimpse of the creek we get from our driveway. 
The older neighbour kids go down there to play all the time but gratefully our kids don't know how to get down yet and I don't dare take them there either because I wouldn't want them to know it's possible.

Eating outside is always way more fun than being inside. 

On Saturday we went to Spring Soccer to watch Nadia, Madilyn, Ben, and their neighbour friends E, L, and C play soccer. 

Shelby has taken it upon herself to protect the yard from all cabbage months. It's a tiring job but she carries it out diligently, much to everyone's entertainment. 


Shortly after we finished vacuuming I was washing the table and chairs and I left the cloth on the table when I got distracted by something else but James got to it and started washing the floors. 
And he's just so cute about it too

I opened our door to let Mozzy out and Frankie was there at the top of the steps. I don't think either cat was expecting to see the other and they both just froze for a good two minutes staring. 

Jamesy's new trick. He knows how to get up to the next level too. 

Lots and lots of seeds started. 
I believe we have over 50 little plants getting ready to head outside. I probably should have started them much earlier than this but I just haven't had the mental capacity to think about planting our garden yet. 

The kids planted sunflower seeds on Tuesday morning. We mainly learned that following directions is not everyone's strong suit, BUT they shared the shovels and took turns well with watering their little pots, and they all were ecstatic about the plants. So we'll count it as a win. 

In the afternoon I gave the kids water and paintbrushes to keep busy with. 

I think they were entertained by the water for at least an hour. It was pretty amazing. 


  1. AnonymousMay 04, 2023

    Enjoy being in the moment my dear.
    Good idea about the water and brushes!!


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