Two weeks ago Will's parents took the whole family to the zoo to celebrate their anniversary!
It was a bit of a drizzly day but that kept the crowds away and we were able to enjoy a full day together.
We hopped on the train first thing
James was a bit unsure of it at first, but halfway through he was excitedly pointing at the animals we passed.
This red panda was being super cute snacking on leaves as the train chugged by
There were a few geese families wandering around the zoo. We joked about if they were part of the sights to see, or if they were taking their kids there to see the animals too.
Near the end of the train ride James felt brave enough to leave my lap
Bob the donkey
Back on our feet we set off the see the animals up close, starting with the giraffes.
Will's chatting with Hannah. She was very glad to see him and was purring as she paced back and forth in front of him.
Portly and Daisy are two potbellied pigs that we rolled James' stroller right up to and he was thrilled to watch them snuffle through the grass.
Watching the lemurs clamour around
All we got to see of the hippo sisters Hazina and Habey were their backs peaking out through the water.
We had a very fun time watching the grizzly bear triplets play around in the water together.
It took us a bit to spot the black bears, our first find was up in a tree!
Meredith the eagle was looking a little sad with her feathers soaking wet from the rain.
Venturing into the dinosaur display
This was the only one to startle Delilah and William.
It was the largest, and I think the loudest as well which made them both take a step back when it turned to roar at them.
After seeing the animals and breaking for lunch we made the very important stop at the playground for the kids to run around
The snake slide was a bit hit
James fell asleep on the drive home just as we turned onto our street.
All tuckered out from our adventures
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