Weekly Wednesday Catch Up: July 5-11

We've been embracing all the fun ways to keep cool these days. And James looooves ice cream cones, so how could I resist? 😄

Food colouring in water with paintbrushes kept Delilah and William busy one afternoon while James napped

After work and post nap snuggles. 

More fun with hammering ice, this time I froze some dinos for the kids to break free. 

Will got the Toro up and running again and had promised the kids a ride around the property before selling it. 

The sky on Saturday evening was splotchy with clouds

The animals at Opa and Oma's house are always fun to watch

Dinner outside

James has learned how to climb the ladder at our playground. I usually like to take a book out here when I come with the kids to read while they play, but now all my time at the playground is devoted to keeping up with this dude. 

I came into the kids' room to put some laundry away and was stunned by the sunlight coming through so I went to go get my phone to take the picture

Our daycare kiddo didn't come on Tuesday so to compensate our kids for the missing playmate we walked to our neighbourhood park. 

Every now and again Delilah and I will do some schoolwork together. We've been very casual about it over the last few months and only do something if she wants to. 
In the school system she technically would start kindergarten in September. Since we're homeschooling and she'll still only be 4 come September we'll most likely continue at a pace that works for her without pressuring her out of her playful life too soon. 

I do not remember what was going on here, but I love Delilah's facial expression so I wanted to include it here

So precious to see these three all playing together so well
