Delilah counted to 100 (almost) all by herself! She was thrilled!!!
This boy and his books 💛
James watched Delilah and William get haircuts and he eagerly climbed into the chair after they were finished. I wasn't planning on cutting his hair yet (he still is my baby after all) but the whispy pieces behind his ears were 4 inches long in some spots so I figured if he was willing, why not?
Delilah picked these flowers for Auntie Esther who we just saw two days prior and who we wouldn't be seeing for a few more weeks.
So we took pictures to send to her as a compromise.
Cherries growing next to our playground. Unfortunately they are very tart and not a favourite for the kids.
The cherries are still great for playing with though
Some different ranges of energy levels while we eat dinner outside...
Off to find Daddy
James felt very special to be sitting on a toolbox while watching Dad at work
Checking for animals
For dinner on Saturday evening we moved the table into the living room so we could watch a movie while we ate
I love how into it they all were
While I was cleaning the church later in the evening I heard fireworks nearby so I took a little break to stand in the parking lot and watch.
We spent Sunday afternoon/evening at Will's parents in their backyard. Will rigged up this system so all three kids can be entertained at once. Which worked great until the rope broke!
So they found a stronger rope
And had a blast driving around like that
On Monday evening Will and the kids played with waterballoons and then put two in the freezer. So on Tuesday afternoon we pulled them out and let Delilah and William have at 'em
Hammers, salt, and water were their tools and they spent 40 minutes working away
We all loved this project so much that I've now got containers of ice in the freezer waiting until we need to fill some time another afternoon.
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