Closing Out Camping

Peering out the window to see which of his aunts and uncles are awake yet 

Our cousin Dylan (this is Will in the picture, not Dylan) came camping also and he had never tried a slack line before but from day one was determined to figure it out, and by the end of our trip he could cross the whole line! 

My mom and Jonah came along on a walk with me while I tried to get James to fall asleep. Well, Jonah fell asleep and James stayed wide awake 😆

Gold Creek

Tucked right in there with our beach things

This little cove was so perfect for the kids to play in

Making mudpies

Queen Delilah being carried around by her loyal servants

The kids had a glowstick dance party on our last night there. 


  1. ohhh camping was sooo much fun!! Can't wait til next year :)


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