Our first (and maybe last? The plants weren't looking too healthy) blackberry pick from our property
I've been baking and we've been eating so much of this banana zucchini bread. Gotta use up all our zucchini somehow!
James absolutely loves the bear rug we have. I'll often find him snuggling on it or dragging it around the house
Delilah and I went to the wedding of two people from our church on Friday afternoon. It was a very special mommy-daughter date and we had a lot of fun together 💕
Our neighbour kindly gave us some cherries
James was excited to have Scout come sit with him
What would be a visit from Auntie Esther if she didn't read the kids stories?
Delilah made this playdoh snail family
That's a 7.5lb zucchini right there!
Helping pick beans
Delilah's flower is in full bloom
Will's been helping Delilah learn to bike without her training wheels. It took her a few evenings but she's really got the hang of it now!
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