WWW: Flower Girl, Ring Bearer, and Rain

The second of four of these large generator buildings Will is making at work. 
This particular one was supposed to be picked up for delivery several weeks ago but they loaded it the wrong way which broke the trailer, on the next attempt the crane bashed into it which is why there is a makeshift paint booth constructed around the end of it in this photo. 

I've been letting James play downstairs with the kids more which he has been absolutely loving. It requires me to check on the kids more often but allows me to still be productive in the house rather than going downstairs with him. 

Delilah and William are flowergirl and ringbearer for Esther's upcoming wedding and their outfits have both  came in

They are both soooo excited. William was very dissapointed when he tried on his clothes that the wedding wasn't today and that he would still have to wait so loooong. 

We moved into my parents house for the weekend while Mom and Dad went camping. 
James was very content to lie with Matt while watching a movie

Some scratches for Shelby

A piano duo

And the trouble trio

Morning snuggles with Madi

James was putting up a fight when it came to eating his dinner, but Will found a way to coax him to take some bites. 

My favourite little line up ❤

Monday poured rain all day but that didn't stop the kids from wanting to play outside! 

So happy to be splashing in puddles

Always wanting to give Dad a hand


Beautiful fall leaves

Making mud castles. Like sand castles but with mud. 

In the evening Will had some stuff to burn and the kids couldn't handle the idea of staying inside while that was happening so we donned the rain gear a second time and watched. 

And we even found a little snail, so it was a win-win in Delilah's books

This playground has got to be one of our best purchases for the kids

Playing doctor is everone's favourite lazy parent game. 😜
On this day Will's eyes were broken so he had to wear sunglasses to fix them. And I asked Delilah why he had a dog cone on his wrist and she explained, "Well it doesn't fit on his neck so I just put it on his arm." Solid doctoring techniques. I love it. 
