WWW: Horsey Ride and Hair Salon

All three boys gathering to watch Delilah do her schoolwork. 

It's been so cold but she still wants to wear shorts outside

Horsey back rides with Dad

On Thursday evening we went to watch Pete play volleyball. He's the one jumping up to spike the ball. 

Lots of eager girlies to help with the kids

William got a bit bored after a while and so it was good I had packed this busy board along. 

6℃ in the sun and Delilah was wearing a dress. 

On Saturday Jupiter was visible just below the moon. Pretty neat to see! Especially when you think about how teeeny tiny that dot of Jupiter is, and yet over one thousand Earths could fit inside of Jupiter. Sure makes us feel very small here on Earth... 

I was going to send this picture of these highlighted verses from Psalm 34 to a friend but then I read the two verses before and the two following, and then I started reading from the top of the page down, and by the end of it I just went to my Bible app and copy and pasted the whole psalm to send to her. The Bible is full of such wisdom and comfort, it can be difficult to narrow sharing it down to only a verse or two. 

Hair salon

The kids were so cold after playing outside on Tuesday morning that they all snuggled underneath the heated blanket once they got inside.
