WWW: Decorating for Christmas


This dude is always trying to get comfy in bed, whatever the time of day! 

James was napping and Delilah was at Grandma's which left just William and I together for the afternoon

I decorated some of our houseplants which I can't believe I never thought of doing before. 
I had to fill that larger bauble with water to get it to have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree effect. I was very worried my rosemary would crack but so far it's working well. 

Off to get the garbage can with just the boys

Will came home from work while we were on our walk so he joined in. 

I heard James repeatedly calling me from my bedroom and went in to see him all cozzied up in bed and patting the pillow next to him. "Mom, in, in" 

James has been having some very early mornings this past week. Not my favourite thing at all. But the Christmas lights are a positive addition to the 5am wakings. 

Madilyn tried a Rudolph the red nosed reindeer hairstyle on me

Monday was torrential down pouring all day and none of the kids wanted to go outside at all. So we made pinwheel crafts to keep us busy inside. 

I hope James will always been known for his paparazzi smiles

We spotted several fish (salmon?) in our creek! 
It was difficult to get a picture, but if you look slightly to the left of the centre, about one foot off of the bank, you can juuust make out the red fish. 
