WWW: Trying To Keep Up

We've had three snow days in a row and it's totally thrown off any concept of time. Already we were having a weird start to the new year after Christmas break and this just isn't helping. Maybe February will be when we get back into the swing of things? 😅

Our cold snap begins. 
It was -18 but looked so beautiful. 

Delilah and William sharing a pot of tea while colouring. 

Fresh bread to pair with dinner

James covered his face in milk and wanted to have his picture taken.
What a guy

Of course William then also requested to be photographed

And Delilah as well

Another cold day kept us inside playing board games

The kids thought it was funny that we had ice on the inside of our house

-10 and sunny, but so windy. Will and Chris were working outside so the kids and I bundled up to bring coffees

Delilah made this ducky with different shapes in math and she is very in love with him

These two girlies are a whole pile of giggles together
