WWW: Tigers and Tiptoes

As I try desperately to keep up with the passing days I can relate to this comic I saw this morning. Just when I think I'm caught up something surprises me and the overwhelm from realising how behind I am leaves me wanting to take a nap. 
So here is yet again, another Weekly Wednesday Wupdate that's a tad behind schedule. Funnily enough I had prepared most of it all on Monday evening and was just waiting to add Tuesday's pictures to it so it would be all ready to post on Tuesday evening. But now it's Friday and I'm only adding Tuesday in now. Bear with me, please. 

We had a fun tiger mask project in our school curriculum that the kids were looking forward to for a few days. 

A very scary Delilah Tiger

I even coloured a mask for James while he was napping so that he could join in on the fun once he woke up, but the second I put it on him he ripped it off and threw it to the floor. So that was that. 

Delilah has been making a pot of tea for her and William to share while we do school and it's been such a fun way to spend time together

James loves making an afternoon coffee for Dad. As long as I put the grinds, milk and sugar in, he can do the rest. He always has a hard time giving it to Will, as he'd rather just stir and stir and stir for 15 minutes after it's brewed. 
I love how he's standing on tiptoes watching and waiting for the coffee to finish pouring so he can mix it. 

We've been cleaning the church on Fridays when possible so we can have more time to our Saturdays which we really have been loving. 

We keep this box of cars underneath James' crib and every now and again if it's not far enough under he can reach under to get the toys out. And if he's quiet about it I don't find out until I go to wake him up. 

Mozzy always likes to be close

Getting my hair done on Sunday morning by this expert stylist

What do you think James has stashed in his jacket?

Any guesses?

An apple, of course! 

A faint rainbow

Delilah and William decided that walking backwards up the hill is easier 
