WWW: Valentine's Cookies and Blueberry Muffins

We had a busy day scheduled for Valentine's Day with no holiday activies planned, but as we were driving home from Coffee Break that morning Delilah asked when we were baking cookies to deliver to our friends like we do every year for Valentine's. I tried to play it off and explain that we didn't have time, but she assured me it would work. 
And so we made it work. I mixed the dough while the kids ate lunch and then 1hr later I quickly got a few into the oven while the kids got their shoes on to head out again. 

When we came back home at 4:30 Delilah helped me ice them and we popped them in the freezer to quickly set before packaging them to deliver to our neighbourhood friends.

James tried very sweetly to pass his little friend E her cookies but she was busy with the card that Delilah gave her and so he kept trying and trying and then he just chucked them into the house. 

Thursday was a much slower day so Delilah and I got the last of the Valentine's cookies baked

We got this fun flip book with four-letter words to practice sounding out


Most days James is ready to unload the dishwasher before I am

Yummy yummy blueberry muffins

And we enjoyed those muffins for a morning snack the next day

Here's how my zentangle art from a few weeks ago turned out. I am not an artistic person but was surprised with how this ended up, lots of mistakes in there but if you don't look too hard you don't notice. 
I sat down to fill in the final empty spaces but didn't take an after photo before sealing the card in an envelope to send off to someone. 
