100 days.
What could I be referring to here?
100 days to come?
Or 100 days past?
Do you have your guess?
Last week, with joyous hearts we noted the one hundredth day of me carrying new life!
That's right!
We are very delighted and hopeful to welcome another child to our family this summer.
Finally someone to break up the birthday drought that is on both sides of our family from June-November.
We are all very thankful and excited about this dear baby. Each new week the children ask to see an updated picture of what our baby looks like and to hear what new developments are happening that week.
It's going to be a busy summer!
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness, O Lord, great is Your faithfulness.