Our sweet Jamesy-Boy turned two this week!
James' facial expressions and silliness bring our family so much joy and entertainment.
He is always quick to want to make his dad a coffee once he's home from work and says "Mik cocky" which is James speak for "Mix coffee"
He also loves to hand out everyone's shoes and jackets when we're getting ready to leave the house.
"Praise God" is his favourte song
He loves animals, especially cows and chickens
A big fan of emergency vehicles, firetrucks in particular, and often takes his 'wee-oos' to bed with him.
Has started asking Why
He is 36.5 inches tall - 2 inches taller than the average 24 month old boy.
Last I weighed him in December he was 27lbs
He's wearing mostly all 3T clothes at this point and loves his runners because they are good for running in of course. And he loves to announce when he is running, "Running, running!"
Carries the step stool around with him wherever he needs some extra height - to look out the window, reach the counters, or climb onto Delilah's bunk bed.
He's grown a deep appreciation for clothes with pockets and will often request his 'pocka pocka' pants - the ones pictured here.
His favourite colour is yellow and Will and I agree he's got the funniest sense of humour out of our kids at this age.
Anyone who sees him and knows any other Vanspronsen males immediately knows which family line he's from.
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