WWW: James In The Window

This bedroom window is always a favourite to look out into the forest. 
Even I like to stand there for a few minutes to enjoy the calm and watch the birds. Sometimes we even see deer or coyotes too. 


It had been a rainy morning but the kids were insisting on going to a playground, Delilah even had the great idea to bring a towel along so she could dry the slides off. 

Although he was too scared of going down the slides, James had no fear to climb up all the ladders

Watching out the window for Dad to come join us after work. 

The kids were getting a bit antsy after an hour at McDonalds so we went for a walk around the area and Will entertained us all by shimmying up this wall. 

I was in the kitchen on Saturday afternoon when I heard William open the door and say, "Mom! Do you want to come see my worms?" 
Of course I said yes, and thanked him for keeping them outside. 


Again in the windowsill, jumping to Dad

William really wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey at his birthday party but we completely forgot that evening so on Monday we did it as a family.

I took everything out from under the kitchen sink to clean the cupboard and when I left it for a moment I came back to find James hiding in there! 

Such moody skies. 
We had a burst of a hail storm too while the kids were playing outside and they found that very entertaining
