Sweet Second Trimester

Suddenly we reached the end of the second trimester of this pregnancy already!! Time is just flying by! Must be because I have been feeling so much better. I can eat just about anything except for the occasional chicken or ground meat) and I am able to get through most days without a nap, but when I need a nap I really NEED that nap. 

As with the first trimester I've kept a brief weekly journal of how Baby and I are doing.

13 weeks
Was feeling well enough to host people for dinner. Another pregnant couple so expectations were low which I was grateful for. 

Halfway through February and I finally cooked dinner from scratch for the first time since the Christmas season. Don't worry, we have been eating every day! Just freezer meals, store bought meals, take out, or meals that our friends, family, and church community have been making for us. What a blessing to have so much support during such a tiring time! 
Some ladies from church even put together a meal train for us which was just such a thoughtful thing and really helped to get through that slump of the first trimester sickness. 

14 weeks / 3 months
Mostly getting my energy back, though still reliant on an afternoon nap. 
Also am feeling much less nauseous as long as I'm eating frequently enough. 

I took one bite of the sandwich and immediately my body said no. But I thought maybe it was too much bread and I should try only one slice of bread, but after two more bites of that I decided to just eat the scrambled eggs off and call it good. 

I know I had a really great maternity workout tank top but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. And I can't remember if I lent it to someone or donated or what happened, but for a few more weeks Will's shirts will work. 

15 weeks
Baby is 4 inches tall and I've felt some kicks now
I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight of 140lbs after losing five pounds in the first few weeks. It's encouraging to see results that I am eating more and retaining the food well. 

16 Weeks
Will's volleyball shirt from 2 weeks ago no longer fits....

Baby is busy and moving around lots

Braxton Hicks contracts have picked right up and are very quick to remind me when I'm over doing it. 

17 weeks / 100 days carrying this little one. 
Dance Fit was getting more and more difficult each week so I was both sad and relieved that this winter session came to an end. Now to stay on track on my own to keep up with exercising. 

18 weeks / 4 months
Feeling the baby kicking on the outside now! 

Had another midwife appointment. Got to bring Delilah along with me which was special. 

Nausea is mostly gone though every now and again it catches me unaware. 
Able to go without a nap some days. 

Baby is 7 inches tall and I'm up to 143 pounds now! 

The kids love talking to the baby, telling him/her how much they are loved, and what sort of fun things they are looking forward to about having a new sibling. 

No more Braxton Hicks contractions! 


I had our detail ultrasound this week but Baby did not want to cooperate and lay facing into my back the whole time even with my attempts to move him or her. We got a wonderful view of its spine and that was all. No face, no cute hands or feet, just a long bony spine. So I've made another appointment and will have to go back in a few weeks. 
Baby proving to be a little stinker already in the womb. Will and I found it pretty entertaining. 

Baby moves around the most in the evenings and early morning. I'm assuming throughout the night too as I fall asleep and wake up to baby kicks so there's probably more happening while I sleep. But during the day while I'm moving around Baby loves to sleep. 

I went this whole week without taking a nap! So encouraging to be feeling more energetic. 

22 weeks/5 months
Still no naps! 
I am feeling so good. Have the energy needed to get stuff done in and outside of our home. 
Up to 147lbs. Feeling strong but still get winded very easily. 
My low blood pressure catches me off guard sometimes and I really need to remember to get up slowly. 

23 weeks
Baby is approximately 12inches tall and weighs 1.5lbs! 

Can eat bread again for the most part. Still struggling with chicken.

Went back for round two of the detail ultrasound. Baby was still facing the wrong way so I was directed to walk up and down the stairs for five minutes. Babe still didn't turn, but I got a good workout! By the end of my appointment the technician said she thought she got enough photos but was still sceptical. I was glad to get a call back later that day that they did have enough data and I did not need to make a third appointment 

There's our little kiddo with its hand curled up at its cheek

I wore pants for the first time in a long time and was pretty proud of myself at first but I was soon reminded why I've learned to prefer dresses - they fit my growing belly and changing body so much better. No need to worry about an expanding waistline when you've got a flowy dress on! 

24 weeks

It is getting noticably more difficult to roll over in bed, but still something I can do! Just a little slower than usual to make sure my hips and belly keep up with the rest of my body as it rotates. 

25 weeks
Baby stretched out repeatedly one evening and for the first time this pregnancy those little stretches hurt! Great to see how our kiddo is getting bigger and stronger though, so I can't complain! 

26wk and end of second trimester.
Baby is approximately two pounds and moves around like crazy at this point. I think this is our most active baby so far. 

The kids love to snuggle up beside me and feel their little sibling playing around inside my belly. Although I might not always agree with her, Delilah is very confident in her belly mapping skills- maybe she could be a midwife someday? 

I'm anticipating a bit of a rougher third trimester with joint pain historically kicking in soon, but I am also curiously excited to see how big this belly is going to get! 
