This week we used our day off to go up a mountain and shoot some targets.
We spotted this little-bigger-than-a-fawn sized deer walking along the road and although he hopped into the bushes, he was very curious about us.
As we drove farther and farther along the weather got rainier and windier. Our poor Canada flag was getting ripped to literal shreds and once we got home we had to take it off, time for a new one!
Snow on the mountains ahead!
Decked out in rain gear and earmuffs.
As we were leaving the house I grabbed an armful of towels and garbage bags because I thought with the rain you'd never know what could come in handy. We used all of both.
One towel was used as a blanket to keep the kids hands somewhat warm and dry and the others were used to dry their bodies off and the inside doors of the 4Runner. The garbage bags gave us dry seats and held all the sopping wet gear for the drive home.
Beastly and beat, but she serves us well. 💙
This was the first time for the kids to shoot a gun. If their fingers weren't so cold I bet we could have had more fun with it for longer, but for this afternoon just a few shots were all they each got a turn with.
Delilah was too shy to go first, but once she saw how easy it was for William (and with his wrong hand I should add!) she was ready for her turn.
James needed all the extra help available but had an adorable full-faced grin when they pulled the trigger.
Then Will did some target shooting with his bigger guns while the kids watched so I was banished to the vehicle (where it was dry, less cold, not windy, I had my tea and a book to read. Not to bad considering the weather, hey? 😆) because we have no hearing protection for our unborn babe's little ears.
Once everyone was packed back into the heated 4Runner, with dry socks on their feet and a cup of tea in their cold hands, we could all agree we had a great time. Funny how our memories can let the not-so-appealing things slide.
Although we had skipped book work for the day to pursue our many other plans Delilah said to William, "Today we learned about guns...." and Will and I figured, yeah, that counts for school, right?
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