WWW:At A New Playground

Last week Wednesday we ventured out to a playground that we haven't been to before. When we arrived there was no one there, but after about five minutes families started coming one after another so we only stayed for 30minutes or so but it was enough for the kids to get their playground fix. 

This zipline seat was a big hit

The two year age gap is starting to make less and less of a difference between these two. It's so fun watching them become close now that James is getting older. 

We went to Fort Langley on Saturday and were causally strolling down the road when we heard a faint train whistle. Will and I looked at each other and booked it with the kids to the pedestrian bridge. We were almost at the bridge when the engine passed under, but made it to the top in time to share with the kids the experience of the train rumbling right beneath their feet. 

And stopping for icecream after! 
The plan was to get icecream in town, and I had told Will, "It'll probably be expensive, but fun!" 
And then we found out it was $7 for a kids cone. 
That's not just expensive for icecream in my books, that's completely bonkers. So instead we went to McDonald's and still had a fine time. 

See James' expression to having Arden hold his finger?

The kids and I brought a truckload of milk jugs to the bottle depot. And by truckload I mean 210 jugs. The silly things take up so much space and after paying the deposit for them I just can't justify not returning them. On a positive note, we have half our storage room back now! 
