WWW: James Helping Dad

James is always right there ready to help Dad with whatever work is going on

The sunshine had all the kids outside, except for the unborn one I am toting around who has me needing to put my feet up and try desperately to stay cool in the heat. 

For over a year I've had this orchid which I have worked hard on keeping alive. It has sat in our  bedroom windowsill all this time, often accompanied by Mozzy who also sits in the windowsill. The two have always coincided together peacefully, until now. 
I trimmed its roots while they were all exposed, and then packed it all back into the pot, and gave it a good water. We shall see how things go... 

Mt Baker looking mighty fine with all its snow against the big blue prairie skies

Popped by a playground on Friday afternoon, of course, because what else do parents do when their three children are constantly asking to go to a playground? 

We haven't seen this obstacle at a playground before so that was fun to find! The kids couldn't quite do it on their own (you use your hands to thrust the handles forward or backwards) but it was fun to have a new challenge

Along the edges of the park there were daisies growing. My favourite! The boys picked me some to put in my hair and Will tucked a few in my dash vent to enjoy on the drive home. 

Delilah's current favourite game. Go fish. She will play with whoever will give her a few minutes, or even with her stuffed animals if she can't find an available human. 

Again with James right in there with Will, and actually getting to help this time! He got to pull the block of wood out from under the trailer. 

We got gifted a McD's giftcard which we put to good use on Monday night when I was solo with the kids for dinner. 

Another solo dinner night. Hot dogs this time, and outside in the grass for a picnic as per Delilah's request. 

