WWW: One Week Late

I warned you last week that this post may me late. And then on Wednesday I got all the photos uploaded and half the words written so I thought maybe I would in fact surprise myself and get it posted on time. But alas. Here we are now several days later... 
We're still busy, but settling a bit (I hope!). I'd tell you to stay tuned, but frankly I don't know when I'll get around to posting something next. Just don't have high expectations but don't leave for too long either. 

A tired sort of morning for the kids which they spent lounging on the couch and reading books together. 

Once they got outside they played with water and dye. I specifically said, "Try not to get it on your clothes or skin, just in the water." Welp. It was a good learning experience! 

Helping load the truck

Trying a dragon fruit for the first time. It was our dessert for after dinner but they were all so excited they couldn't wait that long and scraped out what they could from the skins

A hot day called for an afternoon at the waterpark

Such a beautiful sunset

Needed a piece of carpet for a project and the kids helped me pick it up. Literally. The four of them carried this roll from the back of the warehouse to the checkout desk and then out to the truck. What a great team! 

Delilah made ice initials for everyone using the plastic letters we have (you can see the Z and V on the patio in the background there). The boys ate theirs and Delilah let hers melt. 

James absolutely loves being thrown around. I love the squeals that come from it, but my stomach still drops to my toes every time Will plays around with the kids like this.

My little helper found himself a hat while we were shopping. He managed to fit four baskets all stacked on his head before they fell off. 

These boys made a portable sandbox. Which they were excited about, but upon discovery, were quickly told to return all the sand to the sand box. 

It's been so hot so we've been keeping espresso in the fridge ready to make iced coffees when needed

James is getting more and more sure of himself on the big kid swings

Cooling off at Opa and Oma's
