WWW: Still playing catch up

Hello all! 
I'm still a bit behind, but we are still around and doing well. There'll be more to come when I find/make time. These photos cover July 17-23

On Wednesday the kids and I went on a walk after getting groceries. It wasn't until we got back to the parking lot after the walk and I actually read the sign board that I realised we wound up at a completely different park than what I thought we were going to! Oops! Now we still had that original park to explore another day. 

I had told the kids to run ahead and see what they could find off of the bridge and I was a little surprised when they were calling at me to hurry up and come see. I genuinely didn't think there'd be much interesting, but guess what they found...

Frogs! Lots of frogs! 
Easily 100, maybe more? I didn't count. 
The longer you looked the more frogs you found. And all different colours too. 

I know hog weed is generally an invasive plant, but I do find it so pretty with its tall, big blooms. 

Will was gone for most of this week but came home on Wednesday for the afternoon/evening and we were all happy to see him before he left again

With Dad gone I took the kids out for dinner to break up the day and make dinner time a little easier for me. 

Dining with the kids and no Will isn't something I've done (not counting fast food places) so I was a little nervous but they did absolutely wonderful!

Playdoh together after the boys have gone to bed

Visited some friends from church on Friday afternoon. Here the kids are running through the meadow to see the baby bunnies. 

She did indeed get to stay up to brush and braid my hair, just not quite for 80 minutes! 😆

Tool shopping for Dad is similar to Christmas for all the boys. 
