Third Trimester

27 weeks/ Third Trimester! / 6 Months! 
I'm up to 151lbs now. 
At 27w2d, right on schedule, the back, hip, and SPD pain settled in. I was hoping for a few more weeks of that second trimester blissful feel, but alas. On the bright side, only three months left! 

Had the lovely glucose testing. Also got my iron tested again since they were drawing my blood anyway.

Still have the flat nose looking belly which I find so funny. 

Bought a sleeper for Baby to wear at the hospital. I saw it in the store and was oogling over how adorable it was and Will said we just had to buy it then. 

Had another midwife appointment. 
Negative for gestational diabetes which is good, but she recommended I take even more iron. I'm usually on the high end of low, but have dropped down a bit in the last few months. Now I'm doubling my previous dose, but taking it every other day which should help with absorption. 

One evening this week it felt like Babe was determined to escape out my side. It hurt so bad and he/she just wouldn't stop

156lbs which means I'm up a healthy 20 pounds. 
Braxton hicks contractions are back. 
Especially by the end of day I've got a decent waddle going on. 

James has suddenly got an adorable attachment to Baby. He wants to give baby lots of hugs and kisses and loves to snuggle up close with the belly. 

31 weeks / 7 months! 
Got confirmation that we are accepted into care of the midwives in Prince George! While I'll be sad to say goodbye to the ladies here, I am very grateful to be able to get in with such short notice in PG. 

I am very tired this week. 

We picked up a new to us Moses basket to use for Baby's bassinet when they are born. 

32 Weeks
And my birthday! 

33 weeks
Lots of heat this week. Not my favourite at all. I typically don't like the heat and being pregnant makes it even less enjoyable. But with the A/C at home we're managing alright. 

34 weeks
Last update photo in our apartment as we move later on in this week! 

Last midwife appointment! 

Moving has forced me to sit down a lot. I have heard from so many ladies who moved late in their third trimesters that moving put them into early labour. While ideally this baby waits at least until 37 weeks, having a smaller sized baby does sound appealing.

Also, check out the baby popping out on the left side there 

35 Weeks! 
This is my new backdrop for bathroom mirror photos. 

Had my first midwife appointment in PG on Monday and a second one on Thursday. They wasted no time getting to know me. 

I missed a lot of naps, haven't gotten settled into a new routine yet, and am very, very, very tired. 

Will was gone a lot the first week we were in PG and one night I was having so many contractions I accepted the fate that I would go into labour early and have this baby without Will there. Thankfully that did not happen and Babe is still settled (somewhat) comfortably inside me. 

Week 36 and 8 months now! 
Back to regular naps. Not accomplishing too much else during the days. Hopeful the nesting urge will kick in soon? Or maybe I'm just too exhausted from moving to have that desire? 

Belly has dropped a bunch and I can take a full breath again now that I have no baby pressing on my lungs! 

37 Weeks
Asides from being tired I am feeling great! My back and hip pain are very minimal. Every now and again baby moves over a nerve and my leg will go numb for a bit, but otherwise I can't complain! 

Had another midwife appointment. This midwifery typically doesn't do weekly appointments in the last month, but with me being new they have me coming in every week just to meet all their midwives before baby is born. 

Babe has a maximum 4 weeks to make his/her appearance! 

38 weeks. 
Same dress as the last photo, but a different day
My dear friend had her baby! So special to be pregnant at the same time and fun to have our babies only a month apart (the kiddos were due only 9 days apart, but hers was early and mine is late). 

Popped in at the midwifery for a few minutes to say hi to another midwife.

Delilah helped me put the bassinet stand together

We were curious to see where and how we would fit the bassinet in the trailer. We had a few ideas for keeping in the master bedroom, but the boys' room or living room were options too. Then I learned it would fit nicely into our closet!

39 weeks
I started ignoring all of the 'Are you still pregnant?' texts. 😛
Very high chance the answer is yes, and if you ask me tomorrow, probably still yes. 

Our bed in the trailer is a lot higher up than before. I moved a step stool on my side of the bed to help get in and out.

Had two midwives for an appointment this week and have now met all of them! 

40 weeks! 
Happy due date, Little One! 
We are ready for you! 
