Over Due

A perfectly round belly 🥰

Although overdue, I am very grateful I don't feel overdue. Once I hit 37 or so weeks things sorta stabilised. I completely forgot to weigh myself in the last weeks so I actually have no idea how much weight I gained by the end, but I don't think it was much.
(Which, now that we've met Clara and see how tiny she is, makes sense.)

Trying to get in as much walking/waddling to encourage the contractions I do get. Especially by end of the day they would really pick up. 

Taking the evenings slow.

At one week overdue I went to the hospital twice in one day for an ultrasound and non stress test. Both showed a happy and content baby.

41 weeks! 

A friend from the Valley gave us a gift card to use for dinner once the baby was born since she wouldn't be able to bring us a meal, but at eight days overdue and having a low energy day I decided she would most likely approve of us using the gift card then. (I texted her later that night and she agreed it was appropriate timing) 
We ordered spicy food in hopes that that may kick start something as it's one of the old-wives tales for inducing labour. 

The last week of pregnancy was a busy one with appointments of one sort or another scheduled each day. 
This one was on Thursday at noon, and little did I know I'd be back in just 6hrs to deliver our baby! 
