Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Aug 31 - Sept 3

The first three days of this weekly update were shared in the previous WWW (an extra Wednesday) and in Clara's birth story (Thursday and Friday), so we're picking up here on Saturday. 
A day and a half old.
Delilah loves to hold Clara every chance she gets. 

Her and William both forget her name from time to time, but learned to ask what the first letter of her name is, and with the C hint they can remember it from there. 

Will took the three oldest to church on Sunday and although I insisted on going to at least one service, I did follow Will's wise advice and stayed home all day. Which in hind sight was obviously the best thing to do with a two day old baby and me freshly postpartum as well. 

Clara and I did venture outside for me to read and her to nap while we waited for everyone to get home from the second service

And we got to be spectators for a very competitive game of soccer

I bought this bow in 2021 while pregnant with James and have optimistically held onto it since then. 

This sleeper used to be Madilyn's 

Me and my girls!!! 
I'm ecstatic! 

And I actually took a photo of something not Clara related - Will and James mowing the lawn together.  
