WWW: August Catch Up

August 7th-13
Mozzy has become very much an indoor cat since we moved. He rarely ventures outside on his own and if we put him out he'll most likely be back at the door within a minute or two. He's very content to watch whatever animals he can spot from the comfort of the indoors. 
I took this photo of him outside to show to Will as it was surprising to see him outside. 

We got an icecream treat on this hot afternoon after our errands. I handed the kids their cones to eat on the drive home and when we got home I saw James with his cone like this. I guess it wasn't the smartest idea to give a 2 year old an icecream cone unsupervised! 

Delilah really enjoys playing bocce ball. Our bumpy yard makes it more a game of chance rather than skill, but it's something fun that all of us can do together. 

Biking down our road to the playground to meet up with some friends

At the lake with a group of families from church

Delilah is kayaking on the orange one in the middle with her new little friend. 

These kids were determined not to let their pregnant mom pull the wagon back to the truck. With the uphill to the parking lot they did a bit of a hand, but I was impressed with their willingness and dedication. 

Lots of horses going past our place

Chicken sitting for our friends and they weren't expecting eggs for a few more weeks so we were surprised to find one, and more the following days. A fun (and yummy) treasure to find. 


Found this at a thrift store! I've seen it and given it a read before, but hadn't purchased. Coming across it now for just 25 cents was an easy yes. 

We read it very slowly with the kids with lots of commentary and explanations. I though they were understanding every pretty well until we finished the book and one said, "Wow, that man really did some mean things" and the other replied, "Yeah, but it's just a story book, it's not real."
So I had to remind them, that yes, it was all real.

Thankful we got this pool from Opa and Oma to keep the kids entertained and cool 
