WWW: With A Little Help From My Family

Sept 4-10

Help from the skies
We got to see the plane that Mom, Madilyn, and Jonah were coming in on from our house

The three musketeers reunited!  

Clara is now one week old

We went to the park on Friday afternoon

Sleepy snuggles 

Picnic partners

Bedtime stories

This was Jonah's first time holding Clara! 
The first day they arrived we asked him if he wanted to hold her but he was disinterested. Asked if he wanted to come over to see her and his reply was, "I can see her from over here." So to have him hold her was a big step and he did a great job! 

It may have taken two days to warm up to the idea of holding her, but he looks pretty thrilled that he did!

Clara is blissfully unaware of all the fighting going on over holding her. We've even had to set a timer several times so people get fair turns...
Sharing her sister has been a difficult concept for Delilah to learn, but we're working on it. 

After being in a wedding party on Saturday, Dad, Nadia, and Ben drove up on Sunday morning, arriving that afternoon to make it just in time for Clara's baptism.

Big sisters holding their little sisters

Fourth grandchild

12 people in the house for dinner. 
And with Clara being held, we had enough seats for everyone! 

Madilyn made big fluffy hats for the kids

A darling card made by a friend from church

We went on a walk on Monday afternoon. It was a little chilly and James had no sweater so he borrowed Grandpa's which was very silly

So beautiful! 

Madilyn helping make dinner. 
I tell ya, this girl earned the four days she got to skip of school. She worked a lot at our house doing dishes, hanging laundry, and helping prep food. Years from now when she's newly postpartum I think I owe her a week's worth of work in return. 
Between her and Mom I barely had to lift a finger (or get off the couch for that matter) the whole time they were here. Made for a very restful week for me.  

The book cover and outfits match

Balancing being an auntie and missing school

Red, blue, and black. 
More matching going on during this story time

And on Tuesday morning they all left. 

With Will at work and my family gone this was my first day solo with the four kids. 
After a week and a half of being waited on by my husband and mom I was feeling a lot better recovery-wise but very tired and so, so hungry. Clara and I stayed in bed very late into the morning. The kids played and watched a show and played some more. I got up around lunch time and we had a bit of a more normal afternoon. The day was very slow and that's perfectly okay. 

Will was off work on Wednesday and Thursday which gave me the rest I needed before all the craziness of Friday. Stay tuned for that story! 
