Clara: One Month Old!

Our dear Clara Janelle is already one month old

She's not let being our smallest baby hold her back and at her 4 week check up Clara weighed 11lb! 
She did fit newborn and 0-3m months but only for some brief days as she is already in size 3-6m clothes

This little shirt was one I wore as a baby. Delilah was this size in the fall and winter so she never wore it. And Clara didn't fit it yet during her first week which is when we had heat. I was a little bummed neither daughter would wear this dress, but then figured why not just add a layer and make it wearable? I'm so glad I did and Clara seemed pretty happy about it too! 

She nurses on demand which ends up being roughly every two hours. Often in the evenings she'll nurse more which I'm fine with because it means (hopefully) she will sleep more at night. 
After nursing she just about always needs to burp and will get cranky if the gas is left sitting in her belly. 

We have no nap schedule yet, just sleeping when she's tired and awake when she sees fit. We haven't yet bothered to figure out a pattern to her wake windows but she amazes us with how she can stay awake for so long, often 3hrs at a time. 

Her nights usually start whenever we go to bed with sleeping in her bassinet but after about 2hrs she joins us in bed where she nurses and sleeps nice and cosily until the morning. We've had several 3hr stretches of sleep and even one glorious 5hr stretch! 

Clara is a very smiley baby and generally fairly happy too. She laughs a lot for her dad, and once she even laughed with Delilah too! 
Sweet girl is doted on nearly every waking hour and I often need to break up 'fights' between the older children about her. 

Little Miss
Clara Janelle
Deary Doe
