Off to the hospital

I mentioned a while back about a crazy Friday that would be shared in an upcoming post. Here's that story...

This Friday, I believe, was my first time taking all four kids out by myself and we did great and were early enough for our midwife appointment that I even had time to nurse Clara in the car before we went in.
Unfortunately the midwife was not on time and we had to wait 20 minutes before we were seen. By then the kids were getting a little restless which I don't blame them for at all, I was too. 
At two weeks old Clara weighed in at 9lbs 12 ounces which was a great accomplishment on her part. But the midwife was not happy with her snorty and slightly indrawn breathing so we got sent to the hospital to get looked over by the pediatrician. 

From the midwife we went off to the hospital. It was a little after noon by the time we got there and of course I hadn't packed any snacks since we were just going to be gone for less than an hour for a quick check up. Thankfully the nurse Clara had kindly brought snacks and drinks for the kids which helped them get by while we waited two more hours to be seen by the doctor.  

Clara was an absolute champ and complained the least out of all the kids.
The older three really weren't that bad either considering the situation. 

Very thankful that when the doctor did come he seemed rather unfazed by Clara, although she did have a bit of a noisy exhale. And we were finally free to head back home. 

The real kicker in all of this? 
I had good intentions to bring our garbage to the dump before the appointment. And leaving the house with kids rarely goes as planned so we wound up too late to go to the dump, but I did manage to load all the garbage into the back of the suburban and figured we'd go to the dump after the midwife appointment. 15 mins to the midwife, 15 min appointment, 15 mins back to the dump, then 5mins home. Round trip easily under an hour. 
But no. 
Instead the garbage sat in marinating in the heat of the sun for four hours. The drive from the midwife to the hospital was tolerable, but we sure could smell that there was garbage in the vehicle. And we kept the windows open for the drive from the hospital to the dump. 
Very gross!!!

So after leaving the house at 10:30 we got back a little after 3pm... On the bright side, the house stayed very clean since we weren't home!  
