WWW: Making Yogurt And Mustard

Pajama pals

The kids have always loved to play family, and now they use Clara as their baby! 

Delilah and I tried our hands at making our own mustard (see further below for how it turned out)

Madilyn sent us home from our visit to the Valley with an applecrisp which we enjoyed for dessert on Thursday

Trying to play dinos with Clara while Clara tries to nap

Such beautiful fall skies

We found a dragonfly resting on the laundry outside! 

The fall leaves are bringing me so much joy! 

James calls Clara 'Kara' and I love it

I made homemade yogurt for the first time since moving into the trailer. My crock pot recipe is supposed to sit turned off overnight, wrapped in a towel to stay warm. Well, with our trailer getting cool at night I wasn't sure a towel would keep it warm so I streeetched this thermal bag over top the crockpot to hopefully keep it warm during the overnight temperature drop. And it worked! 

And here's our mustard! 
Looks a bit too much like newborn poop for me in this season of life... 

Saying hi to the Flokstras' chickens

Unintentionally matching 

Clara's cheeks are starting to fill out! 

Will's parents and Scout came to visit for five days. This was Mozzy's reaction to meeting Scout for the first time. Very concerned... 

Delilah reading Clara a bedtime story

At the skate park with Opa and Oma

Such an adorable little herd in this field

A comfortable perch I'd assume?
