WWW: We All Think Clara Is Cute

Reading bedtime stories to Clara

Such a peanut all bundled up in her carseat

Getting all cozy together

I'm very grateful that although we are living in a trailer we have decent counter space, enough for a kiddo to sit up there and help me bake! 


And while the big kids were busy washing dishes I was busy with my own important work - snuggling the baby. I find it's easy to put Clara down so I can do chores, play with the other kids, or whatever else, so I am really putting the effort in to slow down and just hold her. 

James loves sharing his blanket with Clara and he'll even remove whatever other blanket she has to give her his. 

The kids were all playing dress up and wanted Clara to join in with them. While I denied their requests to put her in a princess dress we settled on them laying a dress on top of her, which they found to work just fine for their pretend play. 

Delilah adoringly took these photos. Her and William often ask to take pictures, not too many make it here for quality's sake, but these too were cute 🥰 

Everyone told us how the dry cold was so much different and it is so wild now that we are experiencing it ourselves. But I did find this day of -4 to be cold.

Again, such a peanut, don't you think? 
I got her all bundled up to leave the house on Tuesday morning and proudly brought her over to Will to show him, "Do you want to see the cutest thing ever?" and we both "ooh"ed and "awwe"ed over her and those blue eyes peeking out at us. 
