Clara: Five Months Old

Clara turned five months old this week! 

Clara is now rolling back to front all the time. She gets mad and forgets that she is capable to roll front to back so just stays stranded on her stomach. 

She can scoot backwards and sideways but doesn't go forward yet. Though backwards and turning can get her pretty far. Except backwards typically means she's moving away from her toys which can be frustrating.

Clara also gets frustrated and upset when there are no siblings in the room to watch. They don't have to be giving her attention, she just wants to be around them, and as soon as they all leave to continue their play elsewhere, she notices and gets fussy. 

Not only does Clara not want to be left out of anything, but she always has a huge smile for her siblings every morning when they come to say good morning to her.
And for Dadda, always the biggest smiles and shrieks for him, especially when gets home from work. 

She loves to chew on Will's hoodie strings and one evening while he was holding her we watched her take out her soother and then grab the string to put in her mouth 

We hit the lovely 4 month sleep regression. One night while struggling to get her to sleep I said to Will annoyedly, "I figured it out! 4 month sleep regression! You'd think by our fourth kid I'd remember that!" 
And so that was a nice discovery to re-remember. She didn't have anything wrong. We weren't doing anything wrong. She's just growing and developing, and being a lousy sleeper at 4 months old is normal. Thankfully we now are past that and sleeping better at night, and even sort of have a daytime nap schedule figured out now. 

Some other fun facts from this past month:
Can get up on her hands and knees
Learned to sit unassisted 
Tried out the jolly jumper for the first time
Started reaching for our food if we're holding her while eating. 
Tried a boiled carrot at dinner one night, so that's been her first food
