Goals for 2020!

I have been thinking about and looking forward to writing this blog post since the beginning of December. Today is January 3rd (but it may be a dozen-and-a-couple of more days before this gets posted). Two Thousand and Twenty is officially here.
A new decade.
A new year.
A new me?

Throughout December I continuously had this post in the back of my mind. I knew I would have to come up with a list of revised goals, but I wasn’t sure where to start.

What sort of goals would I want to set for the upcoming year?
What areas of my life could use a bit of extra attention in the next few months?
With so many changes scheduled for 2020, will I even be able to work on these goals?

My goals for 2020 are a bit all over the place. They cover a wide variety of things and I hope they are all challenging enough to push me, but still reachable. 

Once again you will find these in alphabetically order because that’s the easiest. 😝

List of Goals for 2020

1. Blog About Goal Progress!
   Historically I've had a difficult time blogging about by goals as I accomplish them or work on them. Hopefully in 2020 I'll remember to share whats going on as it happens and not suddenly bring up all these new things at the end of the year in my highlight post. 

2. Do Hard Things! 
   Open-ended goals can seem a little counter productive and passive. This goal is similar to my previous goal from 2018 and 2019 to "Dream Big," except this one will hopefully encourage me to take a step of faith and do something that may be out of my comfort zone. 

 3. Exercise at Least Three Times a Week!
   From Jan-July I was able to keep up with exercising four times a week, but with our move, being pregnant, and Delilah being older and a bit more demanding sometimes 😜 I struggled to get back into any sort of routine. Here's to hoping that I can get back into routine. AND stick to it! 

4. Finish Reading Five Books!
   I want to read more. I need to read more. I remember in high school I used to take several books out of the library at a time, and then be back the next week for more. 
   I'm putting a number on this goal because I want to challenge myself just enough (I only read three books in 2019) but still set an attainable goal. 

5. Go on a Date with Will at Least Once a Month!
   When Delilah was smaller it was pretty easy for us to take her out with us, but every day she's growing more and more into her own person and demands a bit more attention than when she was just a baby. I'm so grateful for all the people who are able and willing to watch her for us when we go out!
   Some people swear by weekly date nights but with the season of life that we are in right now that's just not possible, so we'll aim for the next best thing! 

6. Make $200 Reselling Items That We Don’t Use!
   With all the purging that's been going on over Christmas break and all the cleaning I hope to continue to get to, I expect we'll have a fair amount of items that we can earn a few dollars back on. 
   And just to clarify, this will be items that I sell, not Will. Because all the things he's got up for sale are much more costly (snow board, car parts, motorcycle equipment) than the things I'm selling (clothes, a tablecloth, picture frames). 

7. Pay of 75% of Our Loan!
   In February of 2019 we took out a significantly large loan to help with the purchase of our house. Initially I hoped to have it paid off in two years. Since then our circumstances have changed (having another baby, paying higher rent) and so I've had to reevaluate that goal so that it is more achievable, even though getting 75% paid off by the end of the year might still be difficult! As of December 2019 I believe we were 1/3 of the way there. 

8. Post 150 Times!
   For the past three years I've set a goal to blog 100 post within the year. In 2019 I met this goal already in August and ended the year with an average of 12.25 posts per month! I know that 2020 is going to be an insane year for our little family and that can mean two things for this blog; 
   1) It provides lots of content for me to share and makes it easy to reach 150 posts
   2) It keeps me so busy that I feel unable to have time to spare blogging. 
We'll just have to wait and see how it goes! 

9. Read Another Devotional with Will
   Before we go to bed, Will and I do devotions together. But we haven't always read a devotional book together. In the past we've read the Bible, read through the Church Order (begins on page 639 of link) of the denomination our church belongs to, we've read two marriage books, and last year we read a devotional book. 
   I did some research and now have a stack of devotionals that we'll have to look through and pick one out of. A good problem to have I guess! 

10. Stay Happy
   While we were out for our anniversary dinner, I asked Will what a good goal for the new year could be. His answer; “Stay happy.”
 If I were to objectively judge my happiness over the past few years I would have to say that I was very happy and content with all of 2019. It definitely had its ups and downs, but over all Will and I stayed positive through most of it. Both of us were considerably happier in 2019 compared to 2018, and if we can keep that going in 2020 that’d be great.   
   For fun I googled, 'How to measure happiness,' and I came up with way too many academic writings. I did find this Oxford Happiness Questionnaire which was developed by psychologists at Oxford University and I spent a few minutes filling that out. According to the questionnaire I got a 5.37 which is apparently right in the prime ranking of happiness. If I remember I'll do it again at the end of the year and see if anything has changed! 
