2020 Goal Check In

Goal #1 for my 2020 goals was to blog about my goal progress because so often I forget to during the year. The end of March marked 1/4 of the way through 2020 so I thought now would be a good time for a quick check in.

My 2020 Goals and How They're Coming Along:

1. Blog About Goal Progress!
   - Doing that right now!

2. Do Hard Things!
   - I haven't written about it yet, but we had plans to move twice in 2020. In May we were going to move into my parents' house while they spent a few months in Alberta for my mom to complete her nursing program. Then when they got back in August Will and I would find and move into another rental someplace. This was going to be a great opportunity for us to really get ahead financially, and then later in the year to find a more affordable rental.
But because of COVID-19 my mom's school shut down and they won't be going to Alberta. Which left Will and I to make a decision.
We had already told our landlords that we'd be leaving in May, but did we really want to move? And with all this virus stuff going on the rental market is sparse and strange.
In the end we decided to ask our landlords if we could continue to stay. And they said yes!
So while at the beginning of the year we were looking to move twice, now we have no plan!
   - One other 'hard thing' that we've had to think through over the past few months are job offers. Apparently Will has a good reputation and it feels like he just keeps getting asked to work for different companies! And while I am thankful and proud that others see Will as a valuable employee, I find it so stressful to think over and consider the pros and cons of each position.

3. Exercise at Least Three Times a Week!
   - I did great with this in January and February! But then slowed down to one to two times a week in March. With the size of my pregnant belly I would get winded and light headed pretty quickly from too much activity. Right now I'm in recovery mode but am excited to get back into a routine once it's safe for me to do so.

My bed-side book

4. Finish Reading Five Books!
   - I'm currently working on four different books! Which is very muchly against my personal beliefs, but that's just how it's going. I have books in three different places around the house so that when I decide to read I have a book around.

5. Go on a Date with Will at Least Once a Month!
   January- We got a babysitter and went to IHOP (our favourite 😄) and then to a party.
   February- I surprised Will with the Date Night Comedy Tour
   March- We had plans to go out on Little William's due date (March 14th), but with the coronavirus self-isolation measures being recommended at that time, and me being pregnant was considered high-risk, we cancelled those plans...

6. Make $200 Reselling Items That We Don’t Use!
   - Having sold $66 worth of items I am on track to meet this goal! So far I've sold a counter top dishwasher, a lamp, and a few clothes. 

7. Pay of 75% of Our Loan!
   -I just did the math and we ended 2019 with exactly 30% of our loan paid off. By the end of March we were at 37% paid. Will still thinks we can have it all paid by the end of the year. I'm very skeptical, especially since our plans for the year have changed (see #2a). But hey, we're doing our best, despite all of our circumstances continuing to change on us!

8. Post 150 Times!
   - In order to reach 150 posts in a year I would have to blog 37 times each quarter. I ended March with 36 posts, which lines up pretty well! I am finding it difficult to have much 'me time' with two little kids, but we're only two weeks in and as Little William gets older I hope things will get easier.

9. Read Another Devotional with Will
   - Before Will and I finished Night Light, I had ordered another devotional online but it wasn't delivered by the time we completed the book. In the mean time we started reading Cherish by Gary Thomas. We would only read a section or paragraph at a time and so it took us a little over three months to finish, but we did it! Wait for my next goal check in to see if our next pick is worth a recommendation!

Attending church virtually and thankful we are able to do so!

10. Stay Happy
   - Just yesterday Will and I were talking about our current situation with life and the coronavirus. Nothing about any of this is ideal. It all stinks pretty bad. It's not enjoyable and it makes everything difficult.
There's no point in being bitter about it. We can't change anything. We can fight it, yes. We can complain, argue, and throw a fit. But that's not going to get us anywhere.
Bluntly and honestly, we are given the option to adapt or die.
And so we're choosing to adapt. Happily.
