Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Our Kids Think They're Funny

While helping me unload the dishwasher on Wednesday morning Delilah took off with a spoon. I counted it my loss and finished putting the dishes away. Later I found it on her pillow, tucked in with her blanket. 

I went to the mall for the first time since who-knows-when. 
Little William passed right out on my lap in the food court 😍

As a follow up to our car catastrophe story, these are pieces of the worm gears from inside of the diff. These broke off and then ground through the ring gear and that's the noise I heard while driving with Matt and Peter. 
Along with some other cracked parts the diff is unfixable, and too pricey to replace, so we're in the market for a new vehicle. 😒

We ventured out to explore one of the playgrounds in our new neighbourhood on Thursday. 
Little William, who has been in a swing before and knows what to do with his hands, insisted on sitting like this. 

I don't know... 
Apparently it's comfortable?

What a dork!

Our neighbours have this cat who likes to come by and say hi. Delilah is so thrilled about him and if she's on the patio and sees him down below she'll try to call him to come up. 

"Are you sure about this, Mom?"
"Do you know how big I am? I'm going to crush her legs!"
"Should I barrel roll off the couch?"
"Should I puke? Explosive poop? Reach up and pull her hair?"

Will let me have a nap on Saturday afternoon, and he even put Delilah, Little William, and himself down too! 

Story time between services

Delilah assumed the front-and-centre position while watching our online church service

I didn't stay in very long, but enough so that I could get a picture and for Will to see it.

My grandma had a stroke three weeks ago and was recently transferred to our local hospital and her room window is visible from the road! So our whole family went over on Sunday evening to wave since we're not allowed to visit. 

She hung a sign out her window with a sketch of the firehydrant we were going to 'meet' her at. 

The sky that evening was all pastel-y brushstrokes 


Monday was a holiday for us and we ran errands in the morning. Will went into Home Depot by himself which left Delilah very bored stuck in the car with me and Little William. She soon discovered that she could get lots of attention from passerby's by waving and yelling Hi while hanging out the window.

She also thinks she's a total goof. 
Which she would be correct about.

Monday afternoon I got to visit with the family that I'm doing parttime daycare for! 
I've been thinking back and forth about if and when I should start doing care again. 
When we had Little William I kept saying that I'd wait and see. And then with our plans to move I kept saying I'd wait and see. But in the last few weeks I have heard of so many requests for daycare and last week I told Will that it was really beginning to tug at my heart. So when I came upon the next request for care, I paused on it for a day, and then got the job! 
I have just one smiley little girl who's 17 months old and will come over to our house when her momma needs to go to work. 

I love that I am able to use my dream job as a stay at home mom to help other mom's have a thriving family too! 

We were at Home Depot earlier to pick up wood so Will could build Delilah this custom little bed! 
He had just finished building it, set it in place, stepped back, and she immediately put her pillow down and tried climbing in. 

She absolutely loves it! 
We don't have a mattress for her yet, so she's just got a folded up sleeping bag under her, but it's working for now. 

We had a huge windstorm come through from about 11am-5pm on Monday. When we went to Will's parents that evening there was this large branch blocking the driveway! 
Good thing Will's so strong! 😉

On Tuesday smoke from the forest fires in California and Oregon rolled in. 
This is usually a mountain view, today cloaked in a smokey haze. 

This was our dinner on Tuesday night. Will asked me what it was called and I really didn't have an answer. 
It was pesto, mayo, tomato, bacon, and ham melted on french bread with a whole ton of mozzarella cheese. 
So yummy! 

I made Delilah a deconstructed plate in hopes that she'd eat. The meat and cheese all went so we'll consider that a win for tonight. 
