WWW: Delilah Helps

There'll be a lot of content (hopefully) getting posted in the next week. I have been trying to figure out a new rhythm around daycare and our calendar is beginning to look like it did back in February - which I am thrilled about, but we also need to readjust to the busier schedule. 

Some things to be looking forward to:
-Little William's 6th month update (his 6m birthday is today! ahhh! cue pathetic mom-tears)
-A house update
-Our latest costco purchase
-Second round of teaching a small human to eat
- Third quarter check in for my 2020 goals
-A Day In My Life - Three Kids Under Two
- And I also have this pipe dream of getting back into Three Things on Thursday posts, so we'll see if and how that ends up working. 

And one more thing - 
Blogger has been trying to get me to update since earlier this year, and then launched their update in the summer. I tried the new dashboard for a few days and reverted back to the old one. Now I have been updated and am unable to go back to 'normal'. So I've got a bit of learning to do. We'll see how this goes. 

From Instagram: 
Dee's young enough that she doesn't have to wear a mask out and about, but that doesn't stop her from envying Mom and Dad's accessories and wanting to wear them at home. Even 'Coon was sporting a mask today! 😆😆

I keep several masks in the diaper bag for when we need them, and Dee likes to pull them out and wear them when we're at home. She sees everyone else wearing them and thinks they're the coolest! Such a character! 

I was pretty proud of myself for going to Costco and only spending $37. 
I promised Will that I wouldn't impulse buy at Costco and I'll have to admit that the eggs weren't on my list. But cheese was. And there wasn't any cheese, so that's how I justified the eggs. Makes sense, right?

Ben build a car garage and wanted to take a picture of it. 

And he captured this shot of Delilah which I absolutely love. 

We headed to Costco as a family after Will came home from work on Thursday. We ordered chicken, pizza, and fries for dinner but had to wait a while for the pizza to be ready. 

We gave Dee the dipping sauces, forks, and napkins to hold on the ride home. 
And we SHOULD have had the foresight to know that when we got home and opened her door we'd find her completely covered in honey mustard sauce! 

Once the kids were in bed we took the baby monitor and went next door to play some card games with our new neighbors

Delilah is so eager to help me unload the dishwasher, but she's still too short to see into the drawers and put the cutlery in the right place. But she's adorable so I let it slide. 😊

Always ready to help me bake 
AKA lick the spoon! 

Oh and Dee also loves dressing Little William! 
In the past week she's discovered how to put headbands and socks on him. 
Poor kid... 

In a very round-about and neighbourly way we ended up with a bag of plums. We ate half of them and the remaining ones I cooked into babyfood for Little William. 

Oooh, look at his moves! 
I've told Will that I think Little William will be crawling by October! 

Like a typical Monday, I headed out at 9am to pick up my curbside grocery order, only this week I packed three littles into the truck! 🙀 
I was quite proud of myself for getting three kids under the age of two ready to go, down our stairs, and into the truck in UNDER TEN MINUTES! 

She can empty the dishwasher, dress her brother, help to bake, AND she loves to help with the recycling!
