Goal Setting: 2020

January 14th, 2020:
I have been thinking about and looking forward to writing this blog post since the beginning of December. Today is January 3rd (but it may be a dozen-and-a-couple of more days before this gets posted). Two Thousand and Twenty is officially here.
A new decade.
A new year.
A new me?

Throughout December I continuously had this post in the back of my mind. I knew I would have to come up with a list of revised goals, but I wasn’t sure where to start.

What sort of goals would I want to set for the upcoming year?
What areas of my life could use a bit of extra attention in the next few months?
With so many changes scheduled for 2020, will I even be able to work on these goals?

My goals for 2020 are a bit all over the place. They cover a wide variety of things and I hope they are all challenging enough to push me, but still reachable.

Once again you will find these in alphabetically order because that’s the easiest. 😝

1. Blog About Goal Progress!
2. Do Hard Things! 
3. Exercise at Least Three Times a Week!
4. Finish Reading Five Books!
5. Go on a Date with Will at Least Once a Month!
6. Make $200 Reselling Items That We Don’t Use!
7. Pay of 75% of Our Loan!
8. Post 150 Times!
9. Read Another Devotional with Will
10. Stay Happy
