During breakfast on Wednesday morning Delilah took a few moments to be our minister while standing behind the dehumidifier which apparently can double as a pulpit. How handy!
"Okay everybody, I'm your breakfast minister so let's pray again!"
Within 24hr hours of our Christmas decorations going up Shiloh pulled the garland down twice!
Thankfully she hasn't done it again since (and neither has William either) so hopefully the next few weeks will continue to go smoothly.
I finally found the time (and courage 😅) to cook up the mountain goat we've had in our freezer since September. I read several hunting forums which all suggested sticking it in the crockpot is it's your first time as crockpot meat is hard to get wrong.
The crockpot was just about full and we still had to go out to buy carrots to add.
I had to take the test for gestational diabetes on Friday.
Ugg Ugg UGG!
I felt physically ill all morning because that is just how nervous I was thinking about having to drink this glucose drink.
You have to down the bottle within 5 minutes of starting and I took 4 mins 30 seconds. Shuttering with each gulp.
And if you're curious to know why drinking sugar water is so disgusting, Google tells me you can put 12 teaspoons of sugar into a glass of water and that is close to the same idea. Just in case you'd like to give it a try.
My online results say I did pass so yay for that!
All ready to eat!
We really enjoyed the goat and are looking forward to the few more meals we will get from it yet.
We ranked it higher than deer, but lower than duck, with a similar texture to beef. Then we found out that mountain goats are related closely to the ox family, so that makes sense!
Our first snow of the season!
Both kids excitedly peered longingly out the window and then asked if they could open the front door to see.
Oh it is so magical to see a snowfall through the eyes of two toddlers! 😍
Here's a(nother) project that Will's been busy with for the last few weeks!
Our landlord had a concrete pad poured and this large tent garage for Will to use for some mechanic side jobs. If you need any mechanic work done in 2022 and don't want to pay $90-140/hr for labour at a shop then Will can help you out!
On Saturday Will got the tarp over the tent frame and the kids were very excited to check it out.
Such a special bunch of kiddos!
I was thinking how Ben looks so grown up in these photos but then I realized he is almost six! No wonder!
The kids love loading the washing machine just as much as they love carrying armloads to the bed and then trying to assist as best they can in the folding process. In reality it is less help and more stress, but I know one day it'll become more help and less stress.
If you're waiting for this photo to load- don't.
Will's mom had requested a printed photo of Will and I from our wedding and when I got and opened up this one I laughed in sheer disbelief.
Oof the quality of this is a laughing matter.
It looked alright on my computer screen, and I got no print quality error notes when ordering, but I guess somewhere along the lines something got lost... And now I'm back to square one.
I absolutely love this view when all the kiddos flock to the window to look at whatever one of them sees and eagerly pointed out to the rest of them.
And Tuesday was M's birthday! His mom packed along cupcakes which we got enjoy and we blew up balloons as well to celebrate him turning 3!
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