Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Haircuts and Highchairs

On Wednesday Delilah and William's friend had a birthday party at waterpark. 
William was right away in there.

Delilah stood a bit more hesitantly near the edge. 

"I think doors make good spots to sit and eat." - Delilah Vanspronsen 

It is such a neat feeling to be able to pop outside and pick fresh raspberries for us to have for a snack. 

We went strawberry picking on Friday morning and paired them with eggs from when we were chicken sitting to make a hand gathered lunch. 

When the "I'm not tired"s and "I can't sleep"s catch up to you. 💚

Always trying to get a smile out of James. 

On Sunday we got to visit with our Bredenhof family. Spanning three different countries we were grateful that Uncle Wes from Australia was there! 

Best buds

James had been napping in his bassinet here and woke up so bright eyed and ready to go. He popped his head over the side of the bassinet and shrilled like he was trying to get his siblings attention. They were so excited to see him peeking at them. 

I gave the kids haircuts for the first time on Monday. The plan was only to do Williams but Delilah didn't want to be left out. I completed William's hair and was decently happy with it, and I should have stopped there. Delilah's hair was much more challenging. Especially with trying to get the sides even... Pretty quickly she got tired of sitting, and so we called it good. She was so excited with her new cut and I think that matters more than how it looks. 

Delilah and William and I have been playing Uno together. Great for them to learn to play by the rules and take turns and it's been so much fun for me too! 

James' first time in a highchair! 
I needed a spot to put him while I made dinner and the bouncy seat and exersaucer just weren't doing it for him so we gave this a try and he loved it. 

William made this horse.

And this is Delilah's robot

Beautiful summer skies on Tuesday night as the sun went down. The camera never captures it quite the same, but it was gorgeous. 
